Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Remember these cars? They may be rare but still not collector's items

There are cars that almost nobody remembers and others that are on many people's wish list. Here's a selection of cars most people probably have forgotten. For various reasons. Some probably have been just not good looking enough to make them attractive for collectors. Others were produced in so small numbers that barely any of them are left. They have disappeared from the streets and don't make it to oldtimer and classic car meetings. For some there may be clubs and communities to gather owners, for others not even this exists. The list of these cars is probably much longer than you would think, but it's quite hard to come up with such a list because it's so easy to not remember these cars. Quod erat demonstrandum!


lupoch said...

There might be some reason why these cars did not sell in big numbers...

John L said...

I don't recognise too many of them at all. Must have missed them in Australia.